Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Blog Summary part 2

I've decided to "add" to my blog summary, so here it goes...

The Little Rabbit also talked about how the radio show went, and I thought he made some good points. I agree with him that it would have been nice if more people had come from our class, even if just to eat pizza, listen to the show, and give a few suggestions. It seemed like some parts of our Jamboree included the whole group, and some people just ignored the other parts. I guess that happens sometimes.
I appreciated Nic's blog about smoking on his personal blog. It's really sad to hear about his dad's cancer, and people should think about the outcomes of their actions when they hear stories like that. It's hard enough for people to talk about their personal lives, so when they do, just listen! And think about what they say.
Megan discussed jamboree for awhile... she seem's to have been more outgiong at jamboree than many of us, and she also seems to have liked it better than many of us. Hmmm... could there be a conection??? She also talked about the fantastic music at the carol concert. I even found a compliment on a solo I played beforehand ;) And I must agree the the choir portion was amazing.
Lindsey had an entertaining discussion summary about our conversations (or lack thereof) regarding jamboree. It sure would be nice if everyone talked more...
Kelsey Jo had a pretty complete idea for a current events FYS, and it seemed like a good plan to me! I especially liked her ideas about learning how to distinguish real news to propoganda and talking to a real reporter. A current events class would be really good for all of us, since it's hard to make time for reading newspapers and such with homework and all, and it would be a good habit to get into.
Brady blogged about the swing dancing at jamboree, and it was interesting to hear how the live band was the biggest success of the show. Yay swing dancing!
Well, other than a lot of last minute discussion and blog summaries, that's all there was this week!

Blog Summary

Yay! Blog summary time...

There were some pretty random blogs this week, which was fun.
jweb talked about Bob Dylan's song from the podcasts in relation to the war in Iraq, making an excellent point about how it's much easier to say the war is a good idea from over here. It's nice when people connect our class to the outside world.... makes it more meaningful and such.
kat discussed the glory of MPR, and culture jammer talked about how unpleasant music can become when it is blasted through the wall from the wall next to you. The little rabbit made excuses for not attending the jazz dance, and dooner talked about the sad story of his hs band director's 2-y-o son's death, and the inappropriateness of the phrase RIP.
Other than this, there have been a few blogs about our class discussions about jamboree and FYS in general. Most seem to support the idea of making FYS more current events-based, with several different ideas about how best to do that.
That's about all, enjoy your day :)