Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Listening Assignment

After listening to a selection of what Pandora's box gave me, there are just a few things I wanted to mention about the music.

First off all, "Deep Blues" mentioned how each artist has their unique style--something that makes thier music truly theirs. I noticed in a few of the songs, when I listened to more than one song from an artist. Charlie Patton, for example, had a unique vocal slide, which I noticed in both "Shake It and Break It" and "When Your Ways Get Dark". One other artist used a vocal slide, but it was a different style. Also, in both the songs I heard by Skip James ("I'm So Glad" and"Devil Got My Woman"), he used repetitive vocals, with variations in the harmony by the guitar. Many of the other artists had a repititive underlying melody and harmony line, and just changed the lyrics.

One other thing I noticed was that I still heard a little of he talk/sing or shout/sing style we heard in the cajun music. I wonder if they are related like this for a reason, or it just happened like that. I also noticed that in songs with more than one artist listed, there were often spoken vocal additions, such as "un-huh", "yeah", and a kind of snort or grunt. We don't hear that so much in our modern pop music.

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