Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Episode 4

In episode 4, I found 2 important quotes. One was "My dreams came true... that I saw America changed through music." I found this especially imortant for our class. I think we maybe spend too much time in class focusting on how music changed because of how America changed, rather than how music itself contributed to the changing of America. Because music HAS changed America--from social activities to the world's perception of of.
I also found it important when they said "Music is a way of getting through the tedium of everyday life." How many times have you turned to your favorite music after a long or stressful day? Some of us can't even fall asleep without music playing. Music can be a vehicle for what we need... we can either use the music to express our emotions, or use the music as an escape from what we're feeling.
I laughed during the song "I wish I Were a Mole in the Ground". It was funny that critics can't agree on what it was about.... but it's funnier that critics would actually try to decide what its about. I can't offer an explination, all I have is that I definately wouldn't want to be either a mole in the ground or a lizard in the spring.
This one was harder to listen too, maybe because it was the second hour in a row?

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