Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Gospel Playlist Part 1

I really actually enjoyed this play list, much more than the other ones! I expected I'd like it, because the gospel music is what I've really been looking forward to in this class. I'd heard a little before, and liked the style, but now I just like it more! Some of the songs I particularily enjoyed were "Prayer of the Doomed", "Blind Barnabus", "Present Joys" and "You've Got to Move". I have some thoughts on specific songs from the playlist.
"Move On Up A Little Higher"- I love Mahalia's voice! However, it was a little hard to understand the words. I also really liked the piano. She used many repeats of meaning, but I thought they were really effective. Sometimes, she repeated with the same words, but always increased in intensity. Other times, she repeated meaning, but with different religious symbols.
"You Must Be Born Again"- I had a hard time with the sermons. I tried to focus more on the interaction between the preacher and the congregation, but I really didn't agree with what he said, so that made it harder for me to take it seriously. Maybe that makes me a bad person... oh well. I did notice from the interaction I was able to focus on, that it sort of creates a melody.
"Prayer of the Doomed"- I love the sound of the large group singing, and the style of the lead singers with people singing behind them. The low, low vioces were awesome, and the analogies were really pretty. Unlike some of the music we've listened ot so far, I could really hear the emotion behind the words.
"Blind Barnabus"- I really liked the happy, catchy tune. I wonder if this is a way they passed down Bible stories- since they are telling a story, and it is such a fun song to listen to?
"Present Joys"- My first reaction was that it sounded like "Little April Showers"- the rain song from Bambi. It was just a neat song- all the different parts fit together in a unique way.
You've Got to Move"- This sounded like a dancing song. That made me wonder if it possibly had a dual meaning... like 1) you have to move cause this music makes it impossible not to, and 2) you have to move... for a more religious/ spiritual reason.

Yay good music!

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